Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Thank You Mr Trump.

We have a great deal to thank Mr Donald J Trump for; he has single handedly shown us how important Twitter and social media is, he brought the name of Putin into every home in the Bible belt, showed us how important walls can be in our life. I cannot understand why people are not acknowledging that finally in the White House we have a well read, successful businessman, a man with a sense of history and the man who taught the world how to negotiate. Mr Trump is the wizard of brevity, who else could sum up the most complicated world issue in less that 140 words on Twitter.

Most people do not know that it was this remarkable man's secret hand behind some important historical events in modern history. He was the one who  told President Bush not to invade Iraq, he was the one who brought attention to the importance of keeping your birth certificate in your wallet. Few know that it was Mr Trump who masterminded the end of Osama bin Laden, but since he did not have political ambitions he let President Obama take credit for it.

Just when the United States was losing its identity, its ethnic foundation and its religious compass, Mr Trump appeared on the scene and taught us to see how angry the white man living in a trailer park without a decent job really was. Mr Trump made sure we do not focus on the black-white divide, even though Black Lives Matter tried to distract him, and instead look at something much bigger, THE MEXICANS. He made Americans realize that the US will not remain a piƱata for immigration and he, in his infinite wisdom, showed us that MS-13 is really the silent army and it must be that every Latino must be a member.

 Most importantly  by exposing the 'fake media' Mr Trump drove millions and millions (his words) of followers to my blog for that I must personally thank the Donald. He is right, why can't CNN give him credit for his role in the taking down of OBL, or for redefining the essence of diplomacy. Is it his fault that Mrs Merkle (Trumpets that is the Chancellor of Germany) cannot use Twitter. My friend Imran Khan is, as we speak, involved in Twitter exchange with President Trump which is redefining the war on terror and the role of US and Pakistan. In order to recover the $72 million Mr Trump spent on his golf trips as President he can not down size the Embassy in Pakistan and save that money, after Twitter diplomacy is the way to go.

On a personal level I want to thank Mr Trump for helping me sort out my Facebook friends. I always thought the 4,500 friends were there because of our love for horses and photography. Along comes Mr Trump and slight joke by me during the election suddenly divided my Facebook dear and close friends into three distinct groups. The ones who love the Donald, the ones who hate him and then the ones who don't care a damn but like the banter on my Facebook page. I lost four friends on Facebook one of whom I knew in person for 30 years and visited me a few times a year and had lunch with me each trip and copious amounts of beer. Another was a childhood friend of mine who told me that since I criticized 'her President' I was anti American and a terrorist. How else could I filter out the true character of these people were it not for Mr Trump. I have been saved such angst in figuring them out on own.

 I know the 'fake media' will say that it is not becoming of a President to have these Twitter tantrums. Well I see it differently, it makes me realize that the President of the United States is human, not a wax figurine without emotion. His burst of Tweets show he is no different from my friend who will post about what she eats at each meal, or another one who will tell the world about every little illness she has, or indeed the rather nutty one who informed the Facebook world that while in an elevator she was grabbed by her p....y. I got blocked when I asked her 'Was it at the Trump Tower?'

SO Mr Trump thanks for being human, or even sub human, thanks for filtering out my Facebook crowd, its more clear now, and thanks for making this blog so important to world peace. You are my hero....

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